
Systematising the material hunt

General description

This is an approach focused on strengthening networks for salvaged materials to scale up their procurement. This can happen through informal contacts or formally through specialised companies, using digital mapping tools or dedicated storage areas such as second hand material markets. Key factors are the documentation of planned building demolitions and available building materials as well as logistical information.



Enschede, Netherlands

The Harvest Map serves as a pivotal tool in Superuse's design process, guiding their path towards a circular strategy. It places a strong emphasis on materiality and resource origins, effectively shining a spotlight on these aspects within their designs. By mapping out potentially reusable materials that can be incorporated into construction, Superuse Studio grants them a second or even third life, thereby reducing the demand for newly produced elements.
Utilizing digital mapping tools, the architects successfully identified potential material sources in the vicinity. They cataloged these components, taking into account their past use and exploring the possibilities of repurposing them in innovative and sustainable ways.


Winterthur, Switzerland
© by Georg Hubmann

When it comes to upscaling the design approach of K. 118, the availability of suitable materials is pivotal. To establish the use of secondary materials in larger scale projects, the network around salvaged materials needs to be strengthened. Documentation of planned building demolitions and available building materials, as well as improved logistics are key factors to this transition.


Berlin, Germany

Existing building components were sourced at large demolition projects in the city. The team tried to buy large quantities of the same products to ensure availability. Most of the components and materials were found at other construction sites through informal contacts. The material search was supported through the platform of Concular / Restado. It was always a challenge to find immediately fitting material “ready for deployment” at a time that matched the planning process.